Sunday, July 13, 2008

Klinglers Galore!

We had a great big group of family members(35 of us) gathered here in Sacramento for the first Rodney S. Klingler and Mary Ann Klingler family reunion. Siblings came from all over the States(Arizona, Colorado, and Florida) and endured many hurdles(gas prices, car troubles, handling 3 small children alone, etc.) to get here. I think we'd all agree it was worth it! "Good Times!"

The Originals:

All 18 grandchildren at the Jelly Belly Factory:

The whole ruckus crew (If there was any doubt that we are a mormon family, notice the accordion divider used as the back drop):

We missed you Bob, Jason & Harley!

1 comment:

Julie said...

That is one crazy big family :) I love the Jelly Belly picture.