Saturday, December 20, 2008

Our First Cut-Your-Own Christmas Tree

We decided we'd like to try cutting down our own tree this year. So we set out to Sloughhouse Tree Farm to give it a try. The children had a fun time running through the trees. Mike and I had fun trying to chop the tree down. We wanted a picture to document our momentous occasion, so we asked a kind tree to take one for us. I think he did a great job.


Meteor magnets said...

How FUN! I told Nathan this Christmas that I would LOVE to have a REAL tree, one of these years. As I don't think I have EVER had a REAL tree. It looks like the weather was really warm too, but then, I guess almost any where but Antartica is warmer then here! LOL! Love ya! ~Robin

Kacy said...

You are cracking me up! By the way we got a packager from you thank you. We can't wait until Christmas to open it.

emilyw said...

We loved your Christmas card with this picture! You are so talented with all of the gifts you made. That's so awesome!