On Saturday the family piled on in the car and drove just a few miles and had a "nice" time at the Yolo Wildlife Area. It's the large, flat area to the side of the freeway (50 or is it 80?) that is usually flooded. Well, it was a beautiful area. We got to see lots of ducks. We unfortunately didn't get ANY pictures of them. We saw Shovelers that had wierd shovel shaped bills. And cinnamon colored guys and other ones that weren't actually ducks but Coots. They were cute.

The kids got to make bird boxes. They could choose a cute little blue jay box to build or a huge honkin' duck box to lug home. Guess which one they both chose! Guess what? We get to find a nice tree and nail a wooden box to it 8 feet from the ground this week. Isobel insists that a Wood duck is going to make a home of her box. She would just love baby ducks to be born in her box and to have the momma abandon them so she can take care of the orphans.
Ellie enjoyed the ride in her backpack. (Thanks Julie -and Jonah too!)

The children got fish in a barrel.

I also got in on the action too. A fish got our bait and another spit our hook out. That's O.K. we didn't really want to take him home anyway. He smells. Ha. So there.

Introducing Totoro crochet guy

I picked my hook back up as per Ian's request and stitched him up a Totoro. I am working on a can of sardines next. Don't ask why.