Monday, August 4, 2008

Domesticated Momma

I live a very domesticated life. The truth be told, it is exciting to get new appliances!

Here is our old microwave:

Notice the cracks. The one on the door was probably dangerous! It will explain the extra toes we grow later in life:

Here is the new one:

SHINY inside!

Here is the old dishwasher we should have chucked out when we first bough the place!

Check out the crap-catcher! Ewe, I didn't notice the yellow ring -I should have called in the Cat in the Hat to remove my yellow-dishwasher-ring:

Here is the new and improved dishwasher(no gunk catcher -it goes straight to the disposal!):

And yes, I did bribe the kids to model with the appliances(like The Price is Right ladies).

And just to prove the domesticated momma point, look at these cookies: Martha would be proud!


GregKlingler said...

You could get the kids a job on 'The Price Is Right' to pay for those new appliances. Very nice! Kids and kitchen.

Julie said...

I love the models you have posing for you. The cookies look yummy, send some our way.
You'd never believe it but I am becoming a better cook over here. Jason has lost motivation because of lack of good food so I have to cook. Who would have thought? When are you coming to visit????? OR coming to live here?

Kacy said...

WOW. It is about time for new appliances. I love you.

emilyw said...

I love the new stuff! And would LOVE to see the extra toes someday! Sounds cool! :) j/k

Emily in Exile said...

I just got a microwave after living without one for two years, and I was quite excited about my shiny new toy also. But I still do not have a dishwasher..... that I would probably blog about!